Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Vote on Fees

It is a simple fact that to have this tournament certain people (Dunbar and I) are going to have some out of pocket expenses like porta-johns and what not. We are now doing a BYOB and food. Dunbar and I will prep the field with the help of you guys and we will take the expenses out of the general fund before we award the prize. As I think about it probably our only expenses will be gas (for the mowers) and the shitter. Maybe we can just take up a collection for these and have a full fee go to the winning team(s).

Based on 5p teams.

1. $20.00 / person - @ $100.00 / team
2. $10.00 / person - @ $50.00 / team
3. $5.00 / person - @ $25.00 / team

What do you guys think? Assume 6-8 teams.

Sub part -

1. Should alternatives contribute to the fund?
2. Should it be winner-take-all or split up?




Dr. Merlot said...

Last year i bought 6 cases of beer for this event. Dunbar said that i would be compensated. Guess what, i never saw any of the cashola. Any chance to get some of that back this go around? Come on Duns hook a honkey up.

Weber said...

You will never see your money!!

Mwhaaaaa - Ha - Haaaaa!!!

Dunbar said...

Ivy if you had any clue what kind of losses Weber and myself were left to deal with last year you wouldn't be worrying about six cases of beer. Thank you for your contribution last year but there is no cashola in your future. This year will be much better with everyone providing for there own team and the hummus brats are on you bud.

Dunbar said...

I vote for 50 per team.

Dr. Merlot said...

WTF, me and the other Chris (sparkles) decided to use our other names....in order to make things less confusing for the people reading and writing on this thing.

Please refrain from Chris and use somthing like Dunbar or Bundar or anything funny that people choose for blog names.

Thanks management.

Dr. Merlot said...

Oh and $10 a team member sounds good to me. 7 people teams should have to pay $70 instead of $50.

Nice to see you on this thing Chris. I'll put down my sword, but just for you. Sometimes.

Sparkles said...

I vote for $100 per team, regardless of how many players. This way you can budget based on the number of teams instead of number of players (much easier math). I also think there should be a 60-30-10 split on the winnings. I also say we should just pitch in and give Dunbar and Web some gas/shitter money. Maybe we could do $50/team, but then the winnings will be smaller:

$50 per team = $40 per person on the winning team, assuming there are 8 teams and the winning team has 6 players.

$100 per team with same assumptions = $80 per player.

Sparkles said...

P.S. There was some confusion last year about whether the pay was per team or per person ... I was told that my "team was paid up", so I bought some ice and tought I was even ... but then I ended up paying Dunbar anyway ... which I didn't mind at all. I just don't want Web, Dunbar or anybody else to get stuck with a bill. I'll be glad to contribute however necessary.

Weber said...

If everyone thinks it will work out, we are planning on only having one shitter this year.

The past is the past, it all comes around in the end.


Weber said...

If everyone thinks it will work out, we are planning on only having one shitter this year.

The past is the past, it all comes around in the end.


Sparkles said...

One crapper ought to be plenty. Everybody's used to standing in line when a porta-john is involved.

How much do those things run?

Anonymous said...

I think it's like 80 bucks for the weekend for 1 and 120 for 2

Sparkles said...

I'd say just do 2 then. I'll throw in 20. If five more will do the same, we'll have it covered.

engold said...

i say go 2 this way if someone has some # 2 issuses there is still another one. I will gladly throw some extra bones

engold said...

plus being there all day last year i had to take a duke. 3 people used the other during the 5 min i was in there . it was nice to not have to rush especially if its only 40 extra

engold said...

also i vote for 100 a team like last year

Sparkles said...

Thanks for the visual of you taking a "duke" in a porta-john.

Dr. Merlot said...

Oh! I forgot to tell you guys, last year I rubbed my balls all over the toilet paper before anybody showed up last year. Jimmy, I appologize if somehow I made you pregnant.