Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Unofficial Team Sign Up

I said unofficial. Lets get an idea of who's gonna play for who, and who's out there for free agency. I've heard tale of some teams mixing up their members this year.....


Dr. Merlot said...

Looks like the Weavervegas Cruisers are back together. The team consisted of Ivy, Weber, Dunbar Eangold, Buko and Scott Reed.

Although there have been some rumors of Buko forming a Blend Photography team.

Joe Dean said...

I would like to represent the West Side even though we have had some team members fall off the face of the planet. (Caff) I guess we could put together Sparkles, myself, Blair, Marrrrrkus?, Cou... me may need to recruit a few more free agents.

Is there going to be a Wild Cherry team? (the red devils?)

Dr. Merlot said...

Who's gonna pitch for the warriors this year? Thats where you should start recruiting at.

Nuff said about the warriors pitching:(

Sparkles said...

I think we can handle it. It took more than pitching to beat you TWICE last year, beeatch!

Beware the Sparkles Spankin' Knuckleball®.

I'm with the Warriors all the way. Is Daven playing with us this year?

Anonymous said...

The Red Devils will be led by Hustle and will include, to the best of my knowledge; Hustle, Vic, Davin, and some other shitheads to be named later. PWS has a team this year. Pacos team will be there again and at least one other team from Brevard will be there. Also one girls team with Kelly, Drew, Katie and some Ho's to be named later will be there.

Anonymous said...

I hear Blend photography is the early frontrunner for the trophy this year. They apparently have a lesbian midget that will destroy all wiffle balls that come her way. A ball buster if you will. Scary....

Dr. Merlot said...

....I hear that she plays for the asheville lesbian softball league and when she's not at bat or on the field that she just kind of munches on the extra softballs laying around and looks at her opponents with an evil smile and then when she gets extra mad somtimes she'll....

Sparkles said...

I might be bringing one or two free agents with me. Who would they play with? Will we have teams comprised of free agents?

Hustle said...

If we me make a free agent team, we could have 12 possible teams which would make the bracket a lot easier to develop.

engold said...

think we can handle it. It took more than pitching to beat you TWICE last year, beeatch!

yeah it took having the same beer in hand for three hours

Sparkles said...

Are you talking about Ivy? He's the only one that nursed the beers other than Paco's boys.

Anonymous said...

Paco's Boys beat us all and they may not have been as drunk but they were all stoned and eating shrooms so I think they qualified. The Warriors were BY FAR the most sober team in the tournament with their pitcher being the main culprit.

Weber said...

Shope's Team is Officially In the Tournament!!!!!!!!!!!