Thursday, 28 June 2007

Betta Axe Somebody

Glad to be on board as an "author." Thanks for the invite, Ivy.

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

New Ideas that are better then yours.

This is our disscusion from last night about money:
A--We did some math and figured out we need a $20 buy in per player. Each player is given a 12pk of beer at the commencement of the tourney. This beer must be finished to enter the championship, if in fact you do make it that far... so don't worry Buko, you won't have to drink that much. Addtional beer will be given to players who in fact want to drink more. Each team will be given a trash can and ice where they will keep their team beers, thus you might drink 11, while someone else drinks 13, no big deal. This not only saves cost due to dropped/bitched beers, but also ensures a moderate amount of alcohol consumption, and keeping freeloaders away from game supplies.
B--Food will not be provided
C--Addtionally we talked about proping up an apple basket behind the batter. The pitcher's goal would be to get the ball in the basket. If the pitcher did pitch two balls which hit the inside of the basket and the batter didn't swing, it would be an out. If the pitcher missed the basket three times it would be a walk, or man on first as we like to call it.
There would no longer be bitching about bad pitches, or people watching thirty pitches before deciding to swing, and the basket would as a result provide shorter games.
We have disscussed the idea of the ball staying in the basket, which would control the pitch speed, but that might prove more difficult then we imagine. The height and position of the basket is yet to be determined.
d--About the grounder/double/any fielder rule. I must disagree with weber that his fifth rule is the most important. It is bad. If the ball hits after the pitcher and rolls into the double it would be good because we need more hitting which increases game speed, the any fielder rule serioulsy handicaps the batter in the fact that grounders are not always guarnteed singles as they usually are when Ivy is pitching.
The biggest issue with the rule is that it can be hard to tell where the ball initially strikes the ground, and is even harder to tell from the field. If we do away with it I will be happy, and there will be one less thing to complain about from the Westside which is always beneficial.
E--Daven is not playing for Westside. We made him an offical Red Devil with a cirlcejerk 8 days ago. Skinny is also playing for my team, but hasn't been made offical yet.
F--We need to play this sunday, to iron out rules of pitching basket and double grounder thingy.

What do you guys think???

Tuesday, 26 June 2007


Any Ideas? Even if everybody brings their own they will still require a methid of cooking it. We probably need a couple of Bigger grills and a shit load of charcoal. Or maybe let teams know upfront that they will have to bring their own team grill and kind of do it like tailgating.

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Unofficial Team Sign Up

I said unofficial. Lets get an idea of who's gonna play for who, and who's out there for free agency. I've heard tale of some teams mixing up their members this year.....

Vote on Fees

It is a simple fact that to have this tournament certain people (Dunbar and I) are going to have some out of pocket expenses like porta-johns and what not. We are now doing a BYOB and food. Dunbar and I will prep the field with the help of you guys and we will take the expenses out of the general fund before we award the prize. As I think about it probably our only expenses will be gas (for the mowers) and the shitter. Maybe we can just take up a collection for these and have a full fee go to the winning team(s).

Based on 5p teams.

1. $20.00 / person - @ $100.00 / team
2. $10.00 / person - @ $50.00 / team
3. $5.00 / person - @ $25.00 / team

What do you guys think? Assume 6-8 teams.

Sub part -

1. Should alternatives contribute to the fund?
2. Should it be winner-take-all or split up?



Vote on New Grounder Rule

Ok guys, here is the grounder rule. Vote yes or no.

1. Any member of a team can now field a ground ball between the single line (pitcher) and the double line.

2. If a grounder is not fielded before it reaches the double line then it is automatically a double (runner on second for you who have been drinking).

3. A fielder can prevent the double by blocking the grounder (same as a bobble) before it reaches the double line. In this case it is a single.

4. If a grounder exits the field of play (foul) before the single line it is a foul. If it exits the field of play between the single and double lines it is a single.

5. To qualify as a grounder the ball must originally strike the ground before the single line (pitcher).

I personally believe rule number five is the most important because it prevents a really crappy fly single from turning into a double.

We have found that this speeds up the game due to increased scoring and outing opportunities. Teams who adapt score more runs and outs. Teams who do not adapt are no longer getting "nickel and dimed" to death, they are getting doubled to death.

Let me know what you guys think.


Monday, 18 June 2007

Wiffle and titties

The thing was too long last year. The whole idea is to have a good time. Rushing around to try and get all of the games in sucks. There needs to be a way to make the games have some type of time limit. A sudden death rule after an hour maybe?

Sunday, 17 June 2007

Lets Get it Started

Well Bele Chere is almost upon us. Time to mow the hill and play some wiffle.

I started this blog so that we could coordinate our creativity into pulling off another great tournament. Please feel free to post anything that will contribute. If you would like to start a topic simply email me at and I will add you as a contributer on this blog. Or you can simply post that a new thread on a certain subject should be started and I'll get the ball rolling. Hope to see you all there
